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Shaping the World Around Us


We offer filmmaking workshops to engage young people aged 6+ with some of the important issues facing the world today. Over four workshops, the young participants engage in socially responsible thinking, have an opportunity to learn story-building skills, and create their own short documentary film under our guidance.

It is a perfect opportunity for schools, clubs, and societies to give their young people an opportunity to build on their digital skills, allowing them to become directors and filmmakers of a documentary that they shape themselves.


Children have previously chosen to highlight the climate crisis, the impact of lockdown, religion, identity, refugee issues, gender inequality, and child food poverty.

"Humans think that we are the only species on Earth that matter. Through this documentary, I want to change that perspective."

- Bheeni, aged 8

We had the pleasure of working alongside a very talented group of young people in North London (aged 5-14), in collaboration with Harrow Arts Centre. We delivered a four-session programme which guided the group through the process of creating their first documentary.


We had insightful discussions each week with the young participants as we led them through each stage of production. We started with an idea and storyboarding workshop, moved onto filming and interviewing techniques, and ended with a screening and Q&A in our final session.


A storyboard completed by Alex (11 years old)

"I was in the kitchen around Alex during the last session you did with them and it was so great hearing all the kids engaging so well, and being so funny! You'd obviously created a very comfortable environment for them where they could just be themselves."

- Sarah, parent

For more information, or to book a workshop, get in touch with us at

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